Womb Wisdom Workshop

Pelvic Health, Your Sacral Chakra and the Sacred Feminine

Date: Monday, May 27th
Time: 6:30pm- 9:00pm
Via Zoom

Cost is a sliding scale so choose what you can afford $33, $44 or $55

Choose One

To truly know yourself as a woman is to venture into the depths of your womb space, the water element, your sacral chakra and your embodied femininity. This is the space where you can connect, listen, honour, flow, embody, heal and activate this energy. As women, our intuition and creativity lies in our womb space, our sacral chakra. Anytime you are feeling confused, numb, ungrounded, uncreative, disconnected, complacent, pulled from your center or your feminine energy and power you are being nudged back into your womb space.

“The womb is not a place to
store fear and pain. The womb is to create and give birth to life.”
—  13th Rite Of The Womb

The Womb is a sacred center of consciousness that receives and holds energy and information. The womb can be holding repressed emotions that you have been unable to acknowledge and release. It can also hold other people’s energy. This can come from past sexual partners, trauma, children, friends, or the ancestral wounds from your lineage. The womb can also store birthing trauma, grief from abortions, miscarriages or sexual wounding and trauma.

During this workshop you will venture into the mystical gateways of your womb, each of which contain a magical frequency of consciousness for you to embody. This wisdom and practices help open the sacred doorway to reclaim our primordial feminine creative power.

This workshop will bring a deeper awareness to the first two chakras, your core, pelvic floor, and the center of your body. We will explore a brief history of women, a womb timeline, the masculine and feminine, yin/yang cycles, lunar cycles and wisdom, Ayurveda cyclical living and our root and sacral chakras. We will learn some anatomy of our pelvic floors and different practices to connect into this space and help bring ourselves back into balance. Yoga, somatics, massage, meditation, pranayama, chanting and journaling will be used to help activate and open this sacred and intuitive area of the body.

During this workshop you will venture into the mystical gateways of your womb, each of which contain a magical frequency of consciousness for you to embody. This wisdom and practices help open the sacred doorway to reclaim our primordial feminine creative power.

This workshop will bring a deeper awareness to the first two chakras, your core, pelvic floor, and the center of your body. We will explore a brief history of women, a womb timeline, the masculine and feminine, yin/yang cycles, lunar cycles and wisdom, Ayurveda cyclical living and our root and sacral chakras. We will learn some anatomy of our pelvic floors and different practices to connect into this space and help bring ourselves back into balance. Yoga, somatics, massage, meditation, pranayama, chanting and journaling will be used to help activate and open this sacred and intuitive area of the body.

This workshop is great for ALL Women, especially if you have experienced any trauma in this area, feel numb or dissociated, are a mother, pregnant, thinking about getting pregnant, or have any issues or imbalances with your menstrual cycle, pelvic floor, core, hips or low back. It will consist of 75 min of teaching/powerpoint, 15 min of questions and a 1h embodied movement and breathing practice. You will also receive 2 meditations for your womb and sacral chakra along with a 7 page handout and journaling questions.

This workshop will help you:

  • Connect deeper to yourself and honour your sacred femininity
  • Find more balance and harmony
  • Release old stagnant energy and create more space, freedom and fluidity
  • Connect with the earth and water element
  • Heal trauma and pain
  • Learn about Ayurveda and cyclical living
  • The Moon and Your Womb
  • Reawaken the magic that lies within your pelvic bowl
  • Connect to your roots and intuition
  • The phases or your menstrual cycle
  • Feminine embodiment practices
  • Pelvic Floor anatomy
  • Find deeper clarity, personal power, sense of self and awaken your creativity

This workshop will help you:

  • Connect deeper to yourself and honour your sacred femininity
  • Find more balance and harmony
  • Release old stagnant energy and create more space, freedom and fluidity
  • Connect with the earth and water element
  • Heal trauma and pain
  • Learn about Ayurveda and cyclical living
  • The Moon and Your Womb
  • Reawaken the magic that lies within your pelvic bowl
  • Connect to your roots and intuition
  • The phases or your menstrual cycle
  • Feminine embodiment practices
  • Pelvic Floor anatomy
  • Find deeper clarity, personal power, sense of self and awaken your creativity
Choose One

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