Seasonal Ayurvedic Cleanse and Detox Program

Choose From Fall Into Balance OR Spring Into Balance
5 Week Deep Dive into Ayurveda, Health, Wellness, Cleansing, Detoxing, Intermittent Fasting, Cyclical Living, Movement, Mediation, Pranayama and Transformation
Fall Into Balance Dates: Monday, September 30th – Wednesday, October 30th, 2024
Time: Mondays at 4:00 PM – 5:15 PM and Wednesdays at 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Online through Zoom, all sessions will be recorded and you have access for 30 days after the completion date.
A Preview of the Fall Into Balance Program
Fall into Balance
Our Fall cleanse and detox will be focused on releasing the excess Pitta Dosha from the summer. To help reduce heat, burnout,
exhaustion and irritation. As well as focus on transitioning into fall with more calm, ease, grace and grounding to not aggravate Vata Dosha and bring you into stress, anxiety and overwhelm.
Monday’s – 4:00-5:15pm (75min) Live
Group Check in, Powerpoint, Journaling, Q and A
Wednesday’s – 4:00-5:00pm (60 min) Live or Recorded
Movement, Meditation and Breathing practices to Balance each dosha, plus a Kitchari Cooking Class
Week One– Introduction, Discovering your Sankulpa and Focus, Tracking Week, Overview of the Program, Preparing your mind, body, soul and space, 5 Pillars of the Program, Intermittent Fasting, Understanding the 5 Elements, and the 3 Dosha’s, and Exploring your Unique Constitution
Week Two– Entering Detox Mode and Cleansing Your Space, What is Detoxing, Starting Your Elimination Diet, Cyclical Living, Moon Wisdom, Prakruti and Vikruti, 3 Gunas, 3 Pillars of Health, Hormone Health, Intuitive Eating and the 5 W’s and 1 H
+ Vata Balancing Practice
Week Three– Agni and Digestion, The Roots of Disease, Ama and Toxins, Different foods, recipes, herbs and ways of living to help you move into the new season with ease and balance. Detox creation and begins
+ Spring Kitchari Cooking Class
Week Four- Seasonal and Cyclical Wisdom on Fall and Winter and Vata Dosha, Mastering the Ether, Air and Earth Elements, Food Combinations that Work, Reducing Inflammation, Detox Deepens, Fasting Exploration
+ Kapha and Pitta Balancing Practice
Week Five – Support, guidance and questions, as we move through the final stages of our cleanse and detox together, Final Check in Day, Connect, Share what worked, What was challenging, What is going to stick + a meditation and movement practice for total integration and overall balance
A Preview of the Spring Into Balance Program
Monday’s – 4:30-5:30pm (60min)
Live – Check in, PowerPoint, Journaling, Q and A
Tuesday’s – Movement, meditation and breathwork for the week
Wednesday’s – 4:30-5:30pm (60 min)
Combination of Live and Recorded, some cooking classes
Ongoing support throughout the week through email and a private Facebook group
Week 1 – Introductions, Booking your Private Consultation with me, Tracking week, Discovering Your Focus and Sankulpa, Overview of the Program, Preparing your mind, body and space, 5 Pillars of the Program, Understandingthe 5 Elements, and the 3 Dosha’s, and exploring your unique constitution. Focus on Earth Element
Movement/Meditation– Getting clear, focused and grounded
Week 2 – Learning about the 3 Gunas and understanding opposites, Habit Evolution to help you move into spring with more vitality and energy, Intermittent Fasting, What is Detoxing, Starting Your Elimination Diet, Cyclical Living, Moon Wisdom, Prakruti and Vikruti, 3 Pillars of Health. Focus on the Water Element
Movement/Meditation- Finding your own rhythm and flow
*Spring Kitchari Cooking Class
Week 3 – Intuitive Eating and the 5 W’s and 1 H, Agni,and Digestion, The Roots of Disease, Ama and Toxins, Foods to focus on for the Spring Season, – Seasonal and Cyclical Wisdom on Spring and SummerFoods to Avoid that are making you sick, Detox creation and begins. Focus on the Fire Element
Movement/Meditation– Bringing up the heat and intensity
Week 4 – Food Combinations that Work, Reducing Inflammation, Herbs for Healing, Detox Deepens, Fasting Exploration. Focusing on the Air Element
Movement/Meditation– Move, Flow, Breathe, Explore and Play
Week 5 – Support, guidance and questions, as we move through the final stages of our cleanse and detox together, Final Check in Day, Connect, Share what worked, What was challenging, What is going to stick + a meditation and movement practice for total integration and overall balance. Focusing on the Space element
Movement/Meditation– Integration and bringing everything together.
Max group size of 20 people.

If you are experiencing any of the signs of inflammation below, it’s time for a detox.
- Chronic Pain
- Feeling stuck, heavy, stagnate, or dull
- Fatigue or low energy
- Itchy ears + eyes
- Bloated/loose stools/constipation
- Heartburn/indigestion/bad breath
- Joint pain/stiffness
- Allergies
- Recurring cough/sore throat/congestion
- Headaches
- Eating without strong hunger
- Puffiness, water retention, sinus or lymph congestion
- Lack of sex drive
- Rashes, hives, acne, psoriasis, eczema
- Anxiety or depression
- Stubborn belly fat, weight gain
- Brain fog or mental confusion, grogginess and lack of clarity
- High blood pressure
Reach out or sign up below to join me on this 5 week journey or health, wellness, healing and transformation.
What is this Program About?

In this Program, you will:
- Understand Habit evolution and how to change your habits to support your growth
- Connect to and master the 5 elements
- Learn about the dosha’s and your own unique constitution
- Understand the gunas and patterns in your mind
- Connect deeper to nature’s rhythms and the art of living
- Learn where your imbalances lie and how to rebalance yourself to thrive
- Explore intermittent fasting and seasonal detoxing
- Collaborate with what you consume and your environment
- Let go of the accumulation of the past season
- Learn new recipes and cooking techniques

In this Program, you will:
- Understand Habit evolution and how to change your habits to support your growth
- Connect to and master the 5 elements
- Learn about the dosha’s and your own unique constitution
- Understand the gunas and patterns in your mind
- Connect deeper to nature’s rhythms and the art of living
- Learn where your imbalances lie and how to rebalance yourself to thrive
- Explore intermittent fasting and seasonal detoxing
- Collaborate with what you consume and your environment
- Let go of the accumulation of the past season
- Learn new recipes and cooking techniques

- Design your own cleanse and detox according to Ayurvedic wisdom
- Connect with a group to inspire and keep you motivated
- Find more clarity, energy and connection to yourself
- Reduce stress and anxiety to find more peace and calm
- Reduce pain and stagnation
- Practice yoga for your dosha type to find more balance
- Improve digestion and overall immune function
- Balance your hormones and feel at home in your body
- Get access to my private fb group for addition support on your journey